Pulp Fashion

Project Details

What do you do when you’re asked to do a fashion shoot that doesn’t ship styles until two months after the magazine issue date? Of course you answer simply, “No problem.”

Then the panic settles in.

The season was ending and nothing from the winter collection was available. But the brand was adamant that they wanted the new collection to be the only thing talked about. The timing couldn’t be worse for a photoshoot.

But every conundrum is a chance to shine. When faced with this seemingly impossible task of making something relevant, I trundled myself down to the store to see if any solution would present itself.

I walked the store for hours looking for anything to inspire me. None of the fashion in store was even remotely useable. Getting desperate, I looked through every far corner, then at the mannequins, the furniture, the light fixtures, the floor. Nothing from rack to roof was even closely resembling the the concept images the clothes designers had sent me of what the new collection would look like.

Just as I was losing all hope, I noticed the other shoppers going about their business. Walking out the door with their purchases… so happy with their fashionable finds. Each person with an armful of bags from all over, telling the story of their days adventures.

I have never uttered “Eureka!” in my life, but on this day I got very close as I exclaimed “A-ha!” a little bit too loudly.

If the fashion can’t come to you, then make your own. And that’s what I set out to do with renewed vigor. I searched for the right team, Someone to make what i needed (a paper mastercrafter), a model with slim lines (paper doesn’t like curves) and a look capable of being morphed into many brand styles, a photographer, a makeup artist, and an amazing accessories stylist.

The talented Jennifer Henry jumped on the chance to make the dresses when I approached her with my idea. Everything then just started falling into place, like clippings from a childhood construction paper project or one of those pop-up books. Bags, stickers, and string from each of the stores… and the rest is history.

So the next time someone asks you to do the impossible with nothing. Of course you should answer, “No problem.”

  • Client: Fashion Night Out
  • Tasks: Concept, Design & Development

The project was so well received that we were invited to show our creations in a large window display in the retail space. We folded a about a hundred origami paper cranes to keep the mannequins company.